Ways In Which Technology Has Changed The World Of Marketing

Over the past 20 years, technology has revolutionized the world of business marketing.  Advertising has been a part of the economic train for generations, yet technology has enabled marketing to reach new and previously undiscovered heights. Technology Has Changed The World Of Marketing

There are certain methods of technology that produce more dramatic results, and the world of marketing has pinpointed some of the most effective.  As consumers continue to utilize technology in various ways, marketing must also evolve.  Here are a few ways in which technology has changed the world of marketing.

The Influence of Technology in Marketing Put Clothes On All The Playboy Models

The increased availability of pornography on the internet forced Playboy to rethink their marketing model.  The same marketing model that had been going strong for over 50 years was trumped by the recent invasion of technology.

Playboy has now chosen a marketing model that emphasizes its meaty journalistic history.  With notable feature writers such as Malcolm X, Ray Bradbury, and Jimmy Carter, Playboy has an attractive base in word nerd association.

Technology Has Required Businesses to Value The Customer Experience.

The invention of websites like Yelp and other review based sites has brought a new meaning to accountability for companies.  Businesses are now held accountable for their service standards, or lack thereof.

The power of customer reviews is strong, and technology is primarily responsible for the higher standard of service.  For consumers, this is excellent news.  For business owners, it means that their marketing strategies must be more truthful and legitimate.

Technology Has Enabled The Hand of Marketing To Reach a Wider Audience

The invention of the web changed the way businesses reach their primary customer base.  It changed the way the world thought about communication.  The internet has allowed business to reach an unlimited audience.

No longer is marketing an issue of national interest; it has quickly become an international venture given the current capabilities of technology.  The doors of experience are wide opened for any type of marketing effort through the use of technology.

Social Media Has Dominated Marketing in Recent Years

Social media can account for a significant percentage of internet users overall.  Millions of people every day scour the internet for direction and something in which to take an interest.  If a business is not utilizing the abilities of social media, then they are missing out of an endless amount of virtually free advertising.

Visual Incentives Are Displayed in High Definition.

Technology has also made visual expression much more inventive.  Visual incentives are now being presented in high definition and even 4D display.  Visual marketing displays are so real that consumers feel they could almost grab the product right out of the television.

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