Facebook Timeline Keyboard Shortcut Keys For All Browsers

facebook timeline keyboard shortcut keysNow a days, shortcut keys are widely used everywhere to save time and to make a task simple. Almost all internet users have a Facebook account and most of them spend several hours daily on Facebook. But almost 80% of total Facebook users don’t use shortcut keys as they completely unaware about these keys. Today we have collected Facebook timeline keyboard shortcut keys for all widely used browsers. So let’s have a look over these valuable shortcut keys which are totally browser independent. Its time to use this new technique for faster Facebook access.

Internet Explorer Facebook timeline Keyboard Shortcut keys

Keys Action
Alt + ? + Enter Move Cursor into Search Box
Alt + M + Enter New Message
Alt + 0 + Enter Open Help Center
Alt + 1 + Enter Home Page
Alt + 2 + Enter Profile Page
Alt + 3 + Enter Friend Request
Alt + 4 + Enter Messages if any
Alt + 5 + Enter Notification
Alt + 6 + Enter Account Settings
Alt +7 + Enter Privacy Settings
Alt + 8 + Enter Official Facebook page
Alt + 9 + Enter Service Agreement
L Like/Unlike Photos in Light box

Google Chrome Facebook Timeline Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Keys Function
Alt + ? Move cursor into Search box
Alt + M New message box
Alt + 0 Opens Help Center
Alt + 1 Opens Home Page
Alt + 2 Profile Page
Alt + 3 Friend Request
Alt + 4 Messages if any
Alt + 5 Notification
Alt + 6 Opens Account Settings
Alt +7 Opens Privacy Settings
Alt + 8 Official Facebook page
Alt + 9 Service Agreement
L Like/Unlike Photos in Lightbox mode

Mozilla Firefox Facebook timeline Keyboard Shortcut keys

Keys Action
Shift + Alt + ? Cursor in Search box
Shift + Alt + M New Message Box
Shift + Alt + 0 Open The Help Center
Shift + Alt + 1 Home Page
Shift + Alt + 2 Profile Page
Shift + Alt + 3 Friend Request
Shift + Alt + 4 Messages if any
Shift + Alt + 5 Notification
Shift + Alt + 6 Account Settings
Shift + Alt +7 Privacy Settings
Shift + Alt + 8 Official Facebook page
Shift + Alt + 9 Service Agreement
L Like/Unlike Photos in Light box
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