When The Cats Away, The Apps will Play

It’s amazing how much can be accomplished using your smartphone.  From the time you get up in the morning to the time you hit the pillows at night, you can tailor an app to work in the background, or in real time, tracking and updating every iota of your life.  In many ways it’s a wonderful thing.  For customers who are concerned about the security of their property while they are vacationing or away on business, being able to check in and view what’s going on using an app for a security device is an advance in technology unheard of in previous generations that has revolutionized the security industry today. home exchangers

Home exchangers tend to be educated and well-traveled. Home exchanges are also popular inside communities of scholars and teachers during school holidays.[11] A 2008 survey conducted by homeexchangeguru.com shows that 92% have attended university, and more than 60% have done post graduate work.[12] Though historically popular among the digital generation, a 2013 study by the University of Bergamo shows a wide cross-section of the public is now represented, with 28.3% aged 45–54, 18.7% 65+ and only 5.9% under 34.[13] 52% travel with children or consist of groups of three or more, while 48% travel without children or in groups of two or less.[12]

Home exchangers tend to be active, conscientious and culturally curious travelers. 84.3% of Bergamo respondents seek out museums and the great outdoors, over two thirds see the importance of environmentally friendly tourism, and 98% express interest in cultural heritage. Fair trade food (63%) and organic food (73%) are also important.[13]

The study finds the strong degree of trust necessary in collaborative consumption, with 75% agreeing that most people are trustworthy. 93% are satisfied with their experience, with 81% having swapped homes more than once.[13]

Home Exchange Benefits[edit]

While the most obvious benefit is saving money normally spent on traditional vacation accommodation,[8] home exchange also provides the traveler with the opportunity to “live like a local” instead of a tourist, experiencing their destination’s day-to-day life in a way not previously possible.

Guidebook legend Arthur Frommer calls home exchange, “the single most sensible, logical and intelligent method of vacationing.”[14] Shelley Miller writes in the Huffington Post, “We experience the region like residents: We eat in a kitchen, gather around the fireplace in the living room and ride through the community on bicycles from the garage. We’re part of a neighborhood not a business district.” [15]

Exchangers might also include items like cars, boats, RVs or sports equipment in the exchange agreement. Other benefits include access to washing machines, books, music, the internet, toys for the kids and the general comforts that come with home living.

For the health conscious, having a fitness tracker can mean the difference in making the weight for an important occasion or not.  In the future, you can expect technology to intrude even more as smart phones and devices merge with our lives

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